Newsletter Subscription

Reports that a user signed up for a newsletter. Identification event.

Report this event to track subscriptions (regardless of whether the user has an account) and associate the anonymous user ID with the hashed email address entered by the user. This event does not accept custom user ID types, and its main use is to enable personalized email features.


  • name: Human-readable name, not used to identify an event type
  • properties: A container for the event properties as specified in the following table:
dyTypeMust be "newsletter-subscription-v1"String
cuidUser identifier value.
! Must not include a / character
Use this identifier type to identify users across devices (for example, customer_id or account_id). Note: Do not include any personal information in this ID.String
type, value
Optionally, add a phone number as a second method for identification across devices and Experience OS apps. Available types/values include:
Script-based event: Type: phoneNumber, Value: Phone number
Must be E.164 format (+ and country code and phone number, no spaces or symbols. For example, +12195551212, +49555343333.)
API-based event: Type: hashedPhoneNumber, Value: SHA-256 hashed phone number
SHA-256 encoding of the lowercase email address. You can use this identifier type instead of cuid and cuidType.String


Using the secondary identifier

As soon as you report a secondary identifier for a user, that ID is mapped to the user no matter which device is used or which event is reported. Until it's overriden with a new value, it exists for the user whether or not it's re-reported in an API or script-based event.

Example: Implementation via script, using hashed email address

DY.API("event", {
  name: "Newsletter Subscription",
  properties: {
    dyType: "newsletter-subscription-v1",
    hashedEmail: DYO.dyhash.sha256("[email protected]".toLowerCase()) // SHA256 encoding of the lowercase email.

Example: Implementation via script, using cuid:

DY.API("event", {
  name: "Newsletter Subscription",
  properties: {
    dyType: "newsletter-subscription-v1",
    cuid: "156498191",
    cuidType: "EcommerceID"

Example: Implementation via script, using secondary identifier

DY.API("event", {
  name: "Newsletter Subscription",
  properties: {
    dyType: "newsletter-subscription-v1",
    cuid: "156498191",
    cuidType: "he",
    secondaryIdentifiers: [
      {type: "phoneNumber", value: "+972503803434"},

Example: Implementation via Experience API (server-side), using hashed email address

  "name": "Newsletter Subscription",           
  "properties": {
   "dyType": "newsletter-subscription-v1",
   "hashedEmail": "43e62d636651bc44edcd528a510d57ce69126cd875c..."           
} ]

Example: Implementation via Experience API (server-side), using cuid

  "name": "Newsletter Subscription",           
  "properties": {
  "dyType": "newsletter-subscription-v1",
  "cuidType": "clientId", //You can use any type you want to
  "cuid": "62eccc43b550b012b7ea7fb07e64baafb1508d8b715a55148ccf0f3322eab1a1"

Example: Implementation via Experience API, using secondary identifier

 "name": "Newsletter Subscription",
 "properties": {
    "dyType": "newsletter-subscription-v1",
    "cuid: "156498191",
    "cuidType": "he", //You can use any type you want to
    "secondaryIdentifiers": [
       {type: "hashedPhoneNumber", value: "49c7b1f6d24121078d8f37997b433586fe9a28e2dc4fbd0803eac237ac82255e"},


Go to the API reference for the Events endpoint to learn more.