Reporting Engagement Using Kotlin SDK

User engagement types include:

  • Impression (IMP): Reports variation impressions.
  • Click (CLICK ): Reports when users click a displayed variation of a custom API campaign or the widget of a Recommendation campaign.
  • Slot click (SLOT_CLICK): In Recommendations and Sorting Optimizer campaigns, reports exactly which product was clicked.
  • Slot impression (SLOT_IMP): For Restaurant Recommendation campaigns only. Reports an impression for one or more slots.
  • Push notification click (PN_CLICK): For Reconnect push notification campaigns only. Reports clicks on the notification.

The Mobile SDK offers two ways to report them:

  • Using the Choice return object from the Choose Variations call
  • Using the DYSdk object

Using the Choice return object methods

Using the Choice object is typically the easiest way to report a user engagement.

Reporting impressions

You can report an impression for a variation using the Choice.Variation object.


Returns DYResult

ParameterdescriptionData Structure
branchIdThe branch ID (if relevant)String? = null
dayPartDefine the period of the day the request relates to. Relevant only to Restaurants.dayPart? = null


private suspend fun reportImpression() { 
    var result = DYSdk.getInstance().engagements.reportImpression( 
        decisionId = "decisionId", 
        variations = listOf(123,456,789), // optional 
        dayPart = DayPart.DINNER,// optional 
        branchId = "example-branch-id" // optional 
    when (result.status) { 
        ResultStatus.SUCCESS -> TODO() 
        ResultStatus.ERROR -> TODO() 
        ResultStatus.WARNING -> TODO() 

Note: If you previously sent a Choose Variations request with isImplicitImpressionMode set to true, do not report impressions for the returned variations. Reporting them will result in counting duplicate impressions.

Reporting clicks

You can report click for a variation using the Choice.Variation object.


Returns DYResult

ParameterdescriptionData Structure
branchIdThe branch ID (if relevant)String? = nil
dayPartDefine the period of the day the request relates to. Relevant only to Restaurants.dayPart? = nil


private suspend fun reportClickViaVariation() {
    var chooseResult = DYSdk.getInstance().chooseVariations( 
        selectorNames = listOf("campaign-name"), 
        page = Page.homePage(pageLocation = "screenName") 
    if (chooseResult.status == ResultStatus.SUCCESS) { 
        chooseResult.choices?.firstOrNull { == "campaign-name" }?.variations?.firstOrNull() 
            ?.let { variation -> 
                //Assuming there is only one variation 
                var resultReportClick = variation.reportClick( 
                    branchId = "example-branch-id", //Optional 
                    dayPart = DayPart.DINNER //Optional 
                when (resultReportClick.status) { 
                    ResultStatus.SUCCESS -> TODO() //handle success 
                    ResultStatus.ERROR -> TODO()// handle errors 
                    ResultStatus.WARNING -> TODO() //handle warnings 

Reporting slot clicks

Relevant only for recommendations campaigns.

You can report a click or an impression for a slot using the Choice.RecsVariation.PayLoad.Data.Slot object.


Returns DYResult

ParameterdescriptionData Structure
branchIdThe branch ID (if relevant)String? = null
dayPartDefine the period of the day the request relates to. Relevant only to Restaurants.dayPart? = null


private suspend fun reportClickBySlot() { 
    var chooseResult = DYSdk.getInstance().chooseVariations( 
        selectorNames = listOf("recs-campaign-name"), 
        page = Page.homePage(pageLocation = "screenName") 
    if (chooseResult.status == ResultStatus.SUCCESS) { 
        chooseResult.choices?.firstOrNull { == "recs-campaign-name" }?.variations?.firstOrNull() 
            ?.let { recsCampaign -> 
                (recsCampaign.payload as? RecsPayload)?.data?.slots?.firstOrNull() 
                    ?.let { slot -> 
                        var result = slot.reportClick( 
                            branchId = "example-branch-id", //Optional 
                            dayPart = DayPart.DINNER //Optional
                        when (result.status) { 
                            ResultStatus.SUCCESS -> TODO() //handle success 
                            ResultStatus.ERROR -> TODO()// handle errors 
                            ResultStatus.WARNING -> TODO() //handle warnings 

Reporting slot impressions

You can report an impression for one or more slots using the StoreRecsVariation object.

Relevant only for Restaurant recommendations campaigns.

ParameterDescriptionData Structure
SlotIdsThe IDs of the slots to report an impression forList? = null
branchIdThe ID of the branch the recommendation is forString? = null
dayPartDefine the period of the day the request relates to. Relevant only to Restaurants.dayPart? = null


private suspend fun reportClickStoreRecsVariation() { 
    var chooseResult = DYSdk.getInstance().chooseVariations( 
        selectorNames = listOf("store-recs-campaign-name"), 
        page = Page.homePage(pageLocation = "screenName") 
    if (chooseResult.status == ResultStatus.SUCCESS) { 
        (chooseResult.choices?.firstOrNull { == "store-recs-campaign-name" }?.variations?.firstOrNull() as? StoreRecsVariation)?.let { storeRecsVariation -> 
            var slotsId = 
                (storeRecsVariation.payload as? StoreRecsPayload)?.data?.slots?.map { it.slotId } 
            slotsId?.let { 
                //Assuming there is only one variation 
                var resultReportClick = storeRecsVariation.reportSlotsImpression( 
                    slotsIds = slotsId, 
                    branchId = "example-branch-id", //Optional 
                    dayPart = DayPart.DINNER //Optional 
                when (resultReportClick.status) { 
                    ResultStatus.SUCCESS -> TODO() //handle success 
                    ResultStatus.ERROR -> TODO()// handle errors 
                    ResultStatus.WARNING -> TODO() //handle warnings 

Using the DYSdk Object

You can also report engagement using the DYSdk object.


Returns DYResult

ParameterDescriptionData Structure
decisionIdA unique decision ID received in the Choose Variations callString
variationsThe variation IDList? = null
branchIdThe ID of the branch the recommendation is forString? = null
dayPartDefine the period of the day the request relates to. Relevant only to Restaurants.dayPart? = null


private suspend fun reportImpression() { 
    var result = DYSdk.getInstance().engagements.reportImpression( 
        decisionId = "decisionId", 
        variations = listOf(123,456,789), // optional 
        dayPart = DayPart.DINNER,// optional 
        branchId = "example-branch-id" // optional 
    when (result.status) { 
        ResultStatus.SUCCESS -> TODO() 
        ResultStatus.ERROR -> TODO() 
        ResultStatus.WARNING -> TODO() 

Note: If you previously sent a Choose Variations request with isImplicitImpressionMode set to true, do not report impressions for the returned variations. Reporting them will result in duplicate impressions being counted.


Returns DYResult

ParameterDescriptionData Structure
decisionIdA unique decision ID received in the Choose Variations callString
variationThe variation IDInt? = null
branchIdThe ID of the branch the recommendation is forString? = null
dayPartDefine the period of the day the request relates to. Relevant only to Restaurants.dayPart? = null


private suspend fun reportClick() { 
    var result = DYSdk.getInstance().engagements.reportClick( 
        decisionId = "decisionId", 
        variation = 1234, // optional 
        dayPart = DayPart.DINNER,// optional 
        branchId = "example-branch-id" // optional 
    when (result.status) { 
        ResultStatus.SUCCESS -> TODO() 
        ResultStatus.ERROR -> TODO() 
        ResultStatus.WARNING -> TODO() 


Returns DYResult

ParameterDescriptionData Structure
The slotId as returned from the Choose Variations call. Do not use for API custom code campaigns.String
variationIdThe variation IDInt? = null
branchIdThe ID of the branch the recommendation is forString? = null
dayPartDefine the period of the day the request relates to. Relevant only to Restaurants.dayPart? = null


private suspend fun reportSlotClick() { 
    var result = DYSdk.getInstance().engagements.reportSlotClick( 
        variation = 123,// optional 
        slotId = "slot-id",  
       dayPart = DayPart.DINNER,// optional 
        branchId = "example-branch-id" // optional 
    when (result.status) { 
        ResultStatus.SUCCESS -> TODO() 
        ResultStatus.ERROR -> TODO() 
        ResultStatus.WARNING -> TODO() 


For Restaurant Recommendations campaigns.

Returns DYResult

ParameterDescriptionData Structure
The slotId as returned from the Choose Variations call. Do not use for API Custom Code campaigns.List<String>
variationIdThe variation IDList<Int>? = null
branchIdThe ID of the branch the recommendation is forString? = null
dayPartDefine the period of the day the request relates to. Relevant only to Restaurants.dayPart? = null


private suspend fun reportSlotsImpression() { 
    var result = DYSdk.getInstance().engagements.reportSlotsImpression( 
        variation = 123,// optional 
        slotsIds = listOf("slot-id-1","slot-id-2"), 
        dayPart = DayPart.DINNER,// optional 
        branchId = "example-branch-id" // optional 
    when (result.status) { 
        ResultStatus.SUCCESS -> TODO() 
        ResultStatus.ERROR -> TODO() 
        ResultStatus.WARNING -> TODO() 


For App Push Notification campaigns

Returns DYResult

ParameterDescriptionData Structure
Enables Dynamic Yield to track actions attributable to the push notification. Must be extracted from the messaging provider. Learn more about the tracking link variable.trackingData
trackingData.rriString? = null
trackingData.sectionIDString? = null
trackingData.userIDString? = null
trackingData.reqTsString? = null
trackingData.versionString? = null
trackingDataeEvent.verString? = null
trackingDataeEvent.expVisitIdString? = null
trackingDataeEvent.smechString? = null
trackingDataeEvent.varsList? = nulll
trackingDataeEvent.expString? = null
trackingDataeEvent.mechString? = null
private suspend fun reportPnEngagement() { 
    var result = DYSdk.getInstance().engagements.reportPnEngagement(  
        trackingData = TrackingData( 
            rri = "rri", sectionID = "sectionId", 
            reqTs = "reqTs", userID = "userId", version = "version", 
            events = listOf( 
                    ver = "ver", 
                    expVisitId = "expVisitId", 
                    smech = "smech", 
                    vars = listOf(1, 2, 3), 
                    exp = "exp", 
                    mech = "mech" 
    when (result.status) { 
        ResultStatus.SUCCESS -> TODO() 
        ResultStatus.ERROR -> TODO() 
        ResultStatus.WARNING -> TODO() 