Reporting Engagement Using Kotlin SDK
User engagement types include:
- Impression (IMP): Reports variation impressions.
- Click (CLICK ): Reports when users click a displayed variation of a custom API campaign or the widget of a Recommendation campaign.
- Slot click (SLOT_CLICK): In Recommendations and Sorting Optimizer campaigns, reports exactly which product was clicked.
- Slot impression (SLOT_IMP): For Restaurant Recommendation campaigns only. Reports an impression for one or more slots.
- Push notification click (PN_CLICK): For Reconnect push notification campaigns only. Reports clicks on the notification.
The Mobile SDK offers two ways to report them:
- Using the Choice return object from the Choose Variations call
- Using the DYSdk object
Using the Choice return object methods
Using the Choice object is typically the easiest way to report a user engagement.
Reporting impressions
You can report an impression for a variation using the Choice.Variation
Returns DYResult
Parameter | description | Data Structure |
branchId | The branch ID (if relevant) | String? = null |
dayPart | Define the period of the day the request relates to. Relevant only to Restaurants. | dayPart? = null |
private suspend fun reportImpression() {
var result = DYSdk.getInstance().engagements.reportImpression(
decisionId = "decisionId",
variations = listOf(123,456,789), // optional
dayPart = DayPart.DINNER,// optional
branchId = "example-branch-id" // optional
when (result.status) {
ResultStatus.SUCCESS -> TODO()
ResultStatus.ERROR -> TODO()
ResultStatus.WARNING -> TODO()
Note: If you previously sent a Choose Variations request with
set totrue
, do not report impressions for the returned variations. Reporting them will result in counting duplicate impressions.
Reporting clicks
You can report click for a variation using the Choice.Variation
Returns DYResult
Parameter | description | Data Structure |
branchId | The branch ID (if relevant) | String? = nil |
dayPart | Define the period of the day the request relates to. Relevant only to Restaurants. | dayPart? = nil |
private suspend fun reportClickViaVariation() {
var chooseResult = DYSdk.getInstance().chooseVariations(
selectorNames = listOf("campaign-name"),
page = Page.homePage(pageLocation = "screenName")
if (chooseResult.status == ResultStatus.SUCCESS) {
chooseResult.choices?.firstOrNull { == "campaign-name" }?.variations?.firstOrNull()
?.let { variation ->
//Assuming there is only one variation
var resultReportClick = variation.reportClick(
branchId = "example-branch-id", //Optional
dayPart = DayPart.DINNER //Optional
when (resultReportClick.status) {
ResultStatus.SUCCESS -> TODO() //handle success
ResultStatus.ERROR -> TODO()// handle errors
ResultStatus.WARNING -> TODO() //handle warnings
Reporting slot clicks
Relevant only for recommendations campaigns.
You can report a click or an impression for a slot using the Choice.RecsVariation.PayLoad.Data.Slot
Returns DYResult
Parameter | description | Data Structure |
branchId | The branch ID (if relevant) | String? = null |
dayPart | Define the period of the day the request relates to. Relevant only to Restaurants. | dayPart? = null |
private suspend fun reportClickBySlot() {
var chooseResult = DYSdk.getInstance().chooseVariations(
selectorNames = listOf("recs-campaign-name"),
page = Page.homePage(pageLocation = "screenName")
if (chooseResult.status == ResultStatus.SUCCESS) {
chooseResult.choices?.firstOrNull { == "recs-campaign-name" }?.variations?.firstOrNull()
?.let { recsCampaign ->
(recsCampaign.payload as? RecsPayload)?.data?.slots?.firstOrNull()
?.let { slot ->
var result = slot.reportClick(
branchId = "example-branch-id", //Optional
dayPart = DayPart.DINNER //Optional
when (result.status) {
ResultStatus.SUCCESS -> TODO() //handle success
ResultStatus.ERROR -> TODO()// handle errors
ResultStatus.WARNING -> TODO() //handle warnings
Reporting slot impressions
You can report an impression for one or more slots using the StoreRecsVariation
Relevant only for Restaurant recommendations campaigns.
Parameter | Description | Data Structure |
SlotIds | The IDs of the slots to report an impression for | List? = null |
branchId | The ID of the branch the recommendation is for | String? = null |
dayPart | Define the period of the day the request relates to. Relevant only to Restaurants. | dayPart? = null |
private suspend fun reportClickStoreRecsVariation() {
var chooseResult = DYSdk.getInstance().chooseVariations(
selectorNames = listOf("store-recs-campaign-name"),
page = Page.homePage(pageLocation = "screenName")
if (chooseResult.status == ResultStatus.SUCCESS) {
(chooseResult.choices?.firstOrNull { == "store-recs-campaign-name" }?.variations?.firstOrNull() as? StoreRecsVariation)?.let { storeRecsVariation ->
var slotsId =
(storeRecsVariation.payload as? StoreRecsPayload)?.data?.slots?.map { it.slotId }
slotsId?.let {
//Assuming there is only one variation
var resultReportClick = storeRecsVariation.reportSlotsImpression(
slotsIds = slotsId,
branchId = "example-branch-id", //Optional
dayPart = DayPart.DINNER //Optional
when (resultReportClick.status) {
ResultStatus.SUCCESS -> TODO() //handle success
ResultStatus.ERROR -> TODO()// handle errors
ResultStatus.WARNING -> TODO() //handle warnings
Using the DYSdk Object
You can also report engagement using the DYSdk object.
Returns DYResult
Parameter | Description | Data Structure |
decisionId | A unique decision ID received in the Choose Variations call | String |
variations | The variation ID | List? = null |
branchId | The ID of the branch the recommendation is for | String? = null |
dayPart | Define the period of the day the request relates to. Relevant only to Restaurants. | dayPart? = null |
private suspend fun reportImpression() {
var result = DYSdk.getInstance().engagements.reportImpression(
decisionId = "decisionId",
variations = listOf(123,456,789), // optional
dayPart = DayPart.DINNER,// optional
branchId = "example-branch-id" // optional
when (result.status) {
ResultStatus.SUCCESS -> TODO()
ResultStatus.ERROR -> TODO()
ResultStatus.WARNING -> TODO()
Note: If you previously sent a Choose Variations request with
set totrue
, do not report impressions for the returned variations. Reporting them will result in duplicate impressions being counted.
Returns DYResult
Parameter | Description | Data Structure |
decisionId | A unique decision ID received in the Choose Variations call | String |
variation | The variation ID | Int? = null |
branchId | The ID of the branch the recommendation is for | String? = null |
dayPart | Define the period of the day the request relates to. Relevant only to Restaurants. | dayPart? = null |
private suspend fun reportClick() {
var result = DYSdk.getInstance().engagements.reportClick(
decisionId = "decisionId",
variation = 1234, // optional
dayPart = DayPart.DINNER,// optional
branchId = "example-branch-id" // optional
when (result.status) {
ResultStatus.SUCCESS -> TODO()
ResultStatus.ERROR -> TODO()
ResultStatus.WARNING -> TODO()
Returns DYResult
Parameter | Description | Data Structure |
slotId Required | The slotId as returned from the Choose Variations call. Do not use for API custom code campaigns. | String |
variationId | The variation ID | Int? = null |
branchId | The ID of the branch the recommendation is for | String? = null |
dayPart | Define the period of the day the request relates to. Relevant only to Restaurants. | dayPart? = null |
private suspend fun reportSlotClick() {
var result = DYSdk.getInstance().engagements.reportSlotClick(
variation = 123,// optional
slotId = "slot-id",
dayPart = DayPart.DINNER,// optional
branchId = "example-branch-id" // optional
when (result.status) {
ResultStatus.SUCCESS -> TODO()
ResultStatus.ERROR -> TODO()
ResultStatus.WARNING -> TODO()
For Restaurant Recommendations campaigns.
Returns DYResult
Parameter | Description | Data Structure |
slotIds Required | The slotId as returned from the Choose Variations call. Do not use for API Custom Code campaigns. | List<String> |
variationId | The variation ID | List<Int>? = null |
branchId | The ID of the branch the recommendation is for | String? = null |
dayPart | Define the period of the day the request relates to. Relevant only to Restaurants. | dayPart? = null |
private suspend fun reportSlotsImpression() {
var result = DYSdk.getInstance().engagements.reportSlotsImpression(
variation = 123,// optional
slotsIds = listOf("slot-id-1","slot-id-2"),
dayPart = DayPart.DINNER,// optional
branchId = "example-branch-id" // optional
when (result.status) {
ResultStatus.SUCCESS -> TODO()
ResultStatus.ERROR -> TODO()
ResultStatus.WARNING -> TODO()
For App Push Notification campaigns
Returns DYResult
Parameter | Description | Data Structure |
trackingData Required | Enables Dynamic Yield to track actions attributable to the push notification. Must be extracted from the messaging provider. Learn more about the tracking link variable. | trackingData |
trackingData.rri | String? = null | |
trackingData.sectionID | String? = null | |
trackingData.userID | String? = null | |
trackingData.reqTs | String? = null | |
trackingData.version | String? = null | | | list | |
trackingDataeEvent.ver | String? = null | |
trackingDataeEvent.expVisitId | String? = null | |
trackingDataeEvent.smech | String? = null | |
trackingDataeEvent.vars | List? = nulll | |
trackingDataeEvent.exp | String? = null | |
trackingDataeEvent.mech | String? = null |
private suspend fun reportPnEngagement() {
var result = DYSdk.getInstance().engagements.reportPnEngagement(
trackingData = TrackingData(
rri = "rri", sectionID = "sectionId",
reqTs = "reqTs", userID = "userId", version = "version",
events = listOf(
ver = "ver",
expVisitId = "expVisitId",
smech = "smech",
vars = listOf(1, 2, 3),
exp = "exp",
mech = "mech"
when (result.status) {
ResultStatus.SUCCESS -> TODO()
ResultStatus.ERROR -> TODO()
ResultStatus.WARNING -> TODO()
Updated 5 days ago