Product Feed Custom Columns

In addition to the mandatory and recommended columns, you can add more columns that describe your product. These can later be used for targeting (for example, add "color", and target users who purchased blue items), affinity scores (for example, include color affinity in the affinity recommendation algorithm), or to define merchandising rules in your recommendation widgets (for example, never recommend products of a specific brand).

Supported formats:

FormatDescriptionColumn NameExample
(up to 1000 characters)
Any custom product attribute with numeric values.
For example, "special_price" or "margin".
Any custom product attribute with date values.
For example, "date_added" or "sale_end_date".
(up to 1000 characters)
Any custom product attribute with string values.
For example, "brand" or "badge title".
<"column_name">"brand":"My Cool Brand"


  • Custom string columns support up to 1,000 characters, with no special characters.
  • Custom number and date columns can't be translated (= used in lng columns).
  • Custom number and date columns can't be empty (empty values are assigned the value '0' or the current date, respectively).
  • Custom column names must not be prefixed with "id".
  • After you add a column, you can't remove it. You can stop using it or return empty values, but the column must be included in any future sync.
  • You can create a total of up to 300 columns (including all mandatory, custom, and translated columns).