Identify User

Reports a user identification

Use to identify visitors at any point during their journey on your site or app, such as during the checkout process.


  • name: Human-readable name, not used to identify an event type
  • properties: A container for the event properties as specified in the following table:
dyTypeMust be "identify-v1"String
cuid User identifier value.
! Must not include a / character | Max string length is 250
cuidTypeUse this identifier type to identify users across devices (for example, customer_id, account_id, or hefor SHA-256 hashed email). Note: Do not include any personal information in this ID.String
type, value
Optionally, add a second method for identification across devices and Experience OS apps. Your secondary identifier can be anything you decide, including a hashed email address, phone number, CRM ID, e-commerce ID, and so on. You must define the identifier type in your section settings.

If you decide to use a phone number as the secondary identifier, handle it as follows:
Script-based event: Type: phoneNumber, Value: Phone number
Must be E.164 format (+ and country code and phone number, no spaces or symbols. For example, +12195551212, +49555343333.)
API-based event: Type: hashedPhoneNumber, Value: SHA-256 hashed phone number
Identifiers with special requirements
Hashed email (he) and hashed phone number (hashedPhoneNumber) must use SHA-256 hashing.
Phone number (phoneNumber) must conform to the E.164 format. Contact your technical account manager to enable using phoneNumber as an identifier in your script-based events.


Using the secondary identifier

As soon as you report a secondary identifier for a user, that ID is mapped to the user no matter which device is used or which event is reported. Until it's overriden with a new value, it exists for the user whether or not it's re-reported in an API or script-based event.


TIP: Using hashedEmail instead of cuid and cuidType

You can use a sort of "shorthand" in your event script code to replace these 2 properties with a single one if the CUID type is hashed email address. See examples that follow for how this can look.

SHA-256 encoding of the lowercase email address. You can use this identifier type instead of cuid and cuidType.String

Example: Implementation via script, using cuid

DY.API("event", {
  name: "Identify",
  properties: {
    dyType: "identify-v1",
    cuid: "95764245",
    cuidType: "EcommerceID"

Example: Implementation via script, using hashed email address

DY.API("event", {
  name: "Identify",
  properties: {
    dyType: "identify-v1",

Example: Implementation via script, using secondary identifiers

DY.API("event", {
  name: "Identify",
  properties: {
    dyType: "identify-v1",
    cuid: "62eccc43b550b012b7ea7fb07e64baafb1508d8b715a55148ccf0f3322eab1a1",
    cuidType: "he",
    secondaryIdentifiers: [
      { type: "phoneNumber", value: "+12195551212" },
      { type: "ecommerceID", value: "12345" },
      { type: "vipClub", value: "678910" }

Example: Implementation via Experience API (server-side), using cuid

 "events": [
          "name": "Identify User",
          "properties": {
            "dyType": "identify-v1",
            "cuidType": "clientId", 
            "cuid": "678910"

Example: Implementation via Experience API (server-side), using hashed email address

 "events": [
          "name": "Identify User",
          "properties": {
            "dyType": "identify-v1",
            "cuidType": "he", 
            "cuid": "62eccc43b550b012b7ea7fb07e64baafb1508d8b715a55148ccf0f3322eab1a1"

Example: Implementation via Experience API (server-side), using secondary identifiers

  "events": [
      "name": "Identify User",
      "properties": {
        "dyType": "identify-v1",
        "cuid": "62eccc43b550b012b7ea7fb07e64baafb1508d8b715a55148ccf0f3322eab1a1",
        "cuidType": "clientId",
        "secondaryIdentifiers": [
          { "type": "hashedPhoneNumber", "value": "49c7b1f6d24121078d8f37997b433586fe9a28e2dc4fbd0803eac237ac82255e" },
          { "type": "ecommerceID", "value": "12345" },
          { "type": "vipClub", "value": "678910" }


Go to the API reference for the Events endpoint to learn more.