Identify User

Reports a user identification

Use to identify visitors at any point during their journey on your site or app, such as during the checkout process.


  • name: Human-readable name, not used to identify an event type
  • properties: A container for the event properties as specified in the following table:
dyTypeMust be "identify-v1"String
cuidUser identifier valueString
Use this identifier type to identify users across devices (for example, customer_id or account_id). Note: Do not include any personal information in this ID.String
SHA-256 encoding of the lowercase email address. You can use this identifier type instead of cuid and cuidType.String

Example: Implementation via script, using hashed email address

DY.API("event", {
  name: "Identify",
  properties: {
    dyType: "identify-v1",
    hashedEmail: DYO.dyhash.sha256("[email protected]".toLowerCase()) // SHA256 encoding of the lowercase email.

Example: Implementation via script, using cuid

DY.API("event", {
  name: "Identify",
  properties: {
    dyType: "identify-v1",
    cuid: "95764245",
    cuidType: "EcommerceID"

Example: Implementation via script, using phoneNumber

DY.API("event", {
  name: "Identify",
  properties: {
    dyType: "identify-v1",
    cuid: "156498191",
    cuidType: "EcommerceID",
    phoneNumber: "+12197658907"

Example: Implementation via Experience API (server-side), using hashed email address

 "events": [
          "name": "Identify User",
          "properties": {
            "dyType": "identify-v1",
            "hashedEmail": "62eccc43b550b012b7ea7fb07e64baafb1508d8b715a55148ccf0f3322eab1a1"

Example: Implementation via Experience API (server-side), using cuid

 "events": [
          "name": "Identify User",
          "properties": {
            "dyType": "identify-v1",
            "cuidType": "clientId", //You can use any type you want to
            "cuid": "62eccc43b550b012b7ea7fb07e64baafb1508d8b715a55148ccf0f3322eab1a1"

Example: Implementation via Experience API (server-side), using phoneNumber

 "events": [
          "name": "Identify User",
          "properties": {
            "dyType": "identify-v1",
            "cuidType": "clientId", //You can use any type you want to
            "cuid": "62eccc43b550b012b7ea7fb07e64baafb1508d8b715a55148ccf0f3322eab1a1",
            "phoneNumber": "+12197658907"


Go to the API reference for the Events endpoint to learn more.